Thursday, December 17, 2009




6 Photographers DVD

During the dvd of the 6 photographers, some of them really spoke to me, as opposed to the others. The two that really stood out were Brigette Lacomb and Miru Kim, especially Miru Kim. Lacombs portrait style really helped me explore the possibilities with lighting models, and the way to work with models as well. It's all about making them feel comfortable. Miru Kim's quote "when photographing nude, it makes things less personal" really helped me accept my own work because even though I loved to photograph semi-nude models, a little part of me still felt it was "wrong" because I felt it wasn't accepted. But after hearing what she said, it made everything seem okay in my eyes. Now I take even bigger chances with my work and I don't worry what people think, because at the end of the day I only have myself, and what I can produce. :)

Nick Vedros

I actually had this response the day after the presentation, I just happened to forget to publish via web. I thought his work was very interesting and compelling to all types of audiences and was extemely pop-culture. Before his show, I always thought it was wrong to do crazy photoshop changes because It's not a true photograph. But then seeing how successful he is doing what he does, it seems okay. I have learned a lot this semester that I need to stop hesitating in my work, because I heard its wrong to do something. I need to want to do something because I feel strongly about it, not because i was told so.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Its Been a LONG time...

Hey everyone
This has been quite a busy semester!! But a very very productive one might I say. I decided on a direction for my work this fall which is the sexuality behind food, along with finally figuring out Dreamweaver and absolutely LOVING the whole process within creating a website. I am pleased to announce that I am now the Photo Editor of the Western Student Press and it is very exciting. Its definitely a new experience for me, but as I said in my first blog post I LOVE CHALLENGES. So thats pretty much it so far...Ill keep posting more frequently..well ill try. bye

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fall '09--> far this semester looks like its going to be a great one. A bit challenging, but I LOVE challenges. The only class that might be a bore would be my stat class...[stupid requirements] but otherwise so far so good. My photo seminar class, even though I've only been to one sees like it is going to be EXTREMLY helpful to find my direction, and this whole blog thing is pretty cool. My web design class is awesome, I don't really know much about it but hey, thats why im taking the class. I feel like I want to do so much more than i'm going to be able to...i'm not stressing though i'll figure it out. My digi 3 class seems difficult but i'll def learn the most that way. I didn't have two of my classes yet photohistory and creative imagination so I can't say anything yet lol.

I'm planning on joining the photo club and the newspaper, i'm super excited I just dont want to screw myself over this semester considering the amount of credits I'm taking and work. It's just going to be one of those
"play it by ear" things.

thats it for now.


Monday, September 7, 2009




New to This...

Hello blogging world. It's about that time I get my feet wet, or should I say brain leaked into the world wide web for all of you viewers to see. Now let me just say i'm not one to cover the page with all the gutsy goods...but then again who knows, i'm sure a lot of people say that in the beginning.

Hold that thought. Stop. Wait one minute.
Enough about myself, oh ha ha this blog is about me!
Shall I indulge more and tell you all to know about me?
Maybe a little bit.

Name is Kimberly and I'm a photo major. I like to think that I'm pretty sweet, but it's all a matter of opinion. During the fall I burrie myself in school work, and if I'm not at school/ or drowning work, you can find me at Friendly's because that's my job :).

That's all I'm going to spit at you at this moment, but don't worry there are going to be a lot of more don't weep. ;)
