Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Its Been a LONG time...

Hey everyone
This has been quite a busy semester!! But a very very productive one might I say. I decided on a direction for my work this fall which is the sexuality behind food, along with finally figuring out Dreamweaver and absolutely LOVING the whole process within creating a website. I am pleased to announce that I am now the Photo Editor of the Western Student Press and it is very exciting. Its definitely a new experience for me, but as I said in my first blog post I LOVE CHALLENGES. So thats pretty much it so far...Ill keep posting more frequently..well ill try. bye

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the Photo Editor position! I look forward to seeing your work with them! I also look forward to seeing more of you food work. It's always fun to begin exploring a new project and see where it will lead you!
